The Single Breath Snow Globe Meditation

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Your Quiet Moment: Single Breath Snow Globe Quote

 “An amazing thing happens when we slow down. We start to get flashes of inspiration. We reach a new level of understanding and even wisdom. In a quiet moment we can get an intuitive insight that can change our entire life and the lives of the people around us in incredibly positive ways. And those changes can last a lifetime. Living more simply will make it possible to create those quiet moments. Out of those quiet moments miracles happen. Be open to them. — Elaine St. James


Gary Snyder (born May 8, 1930) is an American man of letters. Zen poet perhaps best known for Pulitzer Prize-winning Turtle Island (1975) (often associated with the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance), he is also an essayist, lecturer, and environmental activist.


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 “Zen aims at freedom but its practice is disciplined.”  Gary Snyder

Hi Everyone! I’ll be presenting a single breath Snow Globe meditation that I learned from Gary Snyder @ Disney Cal Arts. What stayed with me was his presence after he guided us through an effortless one breath zen exercise to reach stillness and taste silence. As if by magic, taking a mindful breath reminded me of a snow globe settling, where suddenly everything becomes clear. I recalled moments from my past of flip flopping from performance anxiety to zen like calm. However, with this centering breath charm, I now have an upgrade to carry on with fearless confidence. After my transformative experience with Gary Snyder, I knew it had to be shared with others.
Read more about the Legendary  Zen Beat poet, Gary Snyder,  in the New Yorker magazine.  Check out a few of  Gary Snyder’s awesome books available at Amazon:  A Place in Space , Pulitzer Prize winning, Turtle Island, and he wrote the foreword to  Zen Pioneer, the life and works of my great grandmother, Ruth Fuller Sasaki, wife of my great grandpa, Sokei-an Sasaki, Roshi.  Gary Snyder shared with me that my great grandpa inspired him to study zen, he wrote the Foreword to the book  Zen Pioneer. I am honored to share my zen wisdom with you, in the spirit of the FunZen girls.  
Grace says that, “As a voice over actress, I use the snow globe Single Breath meditation very often when I’m working. Whenever I feel anxious, or as if whatever I’m saying is not what the director wants, I take my single breath and center myself. When I worked on Lucy from Charlie Brown, I was told repeatedly that I had to slow down so I could sound more like the original voice over artist. I could’ve easily panicked, thinking that what I was doing was not good enough. Instead, I took some breaths and went from a worrier to a warrior. From a more mindful mental stance, I’m able to become relaxed and easily do what I need to do in the recording booth. Without my FunZen tools, I wouldn’t be able to have grace under pressure. By calming the inner storm of my thoughts, my snow globe settles and I am able to perform brilliantly.” FunZen fact: The sweet science of it is that the situation is the same, but the way we handle it is different as we go from a Worrier to a Warrior in the moment, under pressure.

To get familiar with the idea of being a Warrior, not a worrier, check out my twitter friend and founder of the Daily Love, Mastin Kipp’s article here.

Now, when you’re having one of those days that Lil Mama told you about, press your zen button: Ahhhh to center your spinning tea cup mind and SMILE shifting from Anxiety to Serenity now. unnamed Miracle Diamond Charm: “Help people to learn to move gracefully, to think clearly, to form– like artists–the matter of their lives.” Gary Zukav

Carry your miracle diamond of mindfulness to awaken your inner dancer; “When the body lifts, the mind shifts, (worrier to a warrior) and the spirit soars.” (See introducing The Miracle Diamond, Author, Artist, Mentor, Helen Fleder)

Update, Order Now, new amaZEN book, Shape Up, Shape Up as you sit, stand and walk, it’s nature’s Miracle Exercise  by Helen Fleder


Lil Mama and Elle


Jill (Mindful Mom), Elle, Liam, and Carson Mathews

Namaste in Action. – FunZen Girls OX 143 #urloved   To buy The Worrier and the Warrior, (the newest addition to our e-book collection!) currently only $3.99, CLICK HERE! worrwarr