Letter From The Artist’s Mom

Ellie Matthews – Artist

Hello, my name is Jill Matthews and I am so excited to share with you how my path began, becoming a mindful parent. I was brought to this work due to a life changing incident that happened to me.  This incident initially shook up my world emotionally and spiritually. In the midst of my internal darkness, I reached out to my family, my husband’s family, therapists, and friends and none of their support or love seemed to truly ease my worries. My thoughts and emotions were literally out of control!



Out of desperation, my mom and I were on the phone talking one day and were inspired to contact a very dear friend for years Michi.  I had met Michi years ago as a child while working in Hollywood in the entertainment business.  Michi’s child-like spirit, unconditional love, and magical presence had made an impression on me that resonated in my heart.  I felt a close connection to her and really felt like she could help me through this difficult time.  My mom had contacted her for me and from that point forward became three years of working on myself…learning to love me, learning to be a warrior and not a worrier, learning to be mindful, trusting myself, and being an example to my kids  so they too can embrace these qualities.  Coming from my background with a degree in Psychology and having worked with children and families previously, I thought I had a good grasp on handling adversity.  Clearly I had much to learn.


While consulting with Michi, she introduced me to FunZen and the Worrier to Warrior project.  Her books, the FunZen kid stories, and the Worrier to Warrior Project are by far the best parenting guides I have ever used.   This book helped me transform my pessimistic thinking to optimism.  It gave me a new perspective on parenting and adversity and guided me to better help my kids.  This book is now my “go to” for myself and children, no matter what we face.  This book helped me gain an understanding to what we focus on we become.  I now embody joy, peace, hope, kindness, and love and so do my children.  When we feel the worrier side of us creep in, we are mindful and use our book to help flip us back to warrior mode.    What I love most about this book is that it teaches us to seek solutions and be happy! My children and I found balance and a new way to see adversity.  We moved beyond “victim” mode and learned to love ourselves and forgive, rather than “get stuck” and feel powerless.


I recommend every parent/caregiver have this book. They are simple to use as they break down zen based teachings into lessons for each of us to remember and use when we need it the most.  When it comes to everyday life, we can all be Warriors!


NEW! –Check Out the Worrier and the Warrior on Amazon!

Check Out the FunZen Kid’s Worrier to Warrior A-Z  Life Lessons on Amazon!


-Shout-out to our bakery friends at Bake You Happy, Kim Thurman and Kim Aeck! Their awesome cupcakes inspired Ellie’s drawings.




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